
_______________________________ Crying Heaven

If 5 years old Earth crying, in the real meaning, which one you will going to do? Giving Her a tissue, or candy?

Heaven shouldn’t cry. Heaven shouldn’t war. Heaven shouldn’t disease. Heaven shouldn’t hurt. Heaven shouldn’t suffer. Heaven shouldn’t sadness. Heaven shouldn’t poverty. Heaven shouldn’t damage. Heaven shouldn’t crying.

This message isn’t made for an order, and is not a suggestion, even it could be might a something stupid. Let see this is a shared of thought from a friend who love to love, love to know you sitting there to read this, love to bother you for a moment, and love to make you smile. What ever your opinion about this, please allow me to know, I really appreciate and it’ll become part of mean lesson in my life. Thank you before.

And I would like to say my first Great-Full Thanks to Our Lovely One and Only GOD,
in All (whatever) of The Names,
in All (whatever) of The Describes about HIM,
in All of HIS Religions on Earth,
in All of HIS Permissions on Earth,
in All of HIS Fate For Us (Human) to become the most Happy Perfect Creature on Earth,
in HIS Unlimited Love to all HIS Beloved Children (Human) and all Creatures,
in HIS Sincere Smile and HIS Patience waiting for us (Human) to understand HIM,
to make “it” one step closer.

Do you believe in GOD? If you’re not, it’s not your fault. Because today you found something that you don’t even realize for all this time that this is what you looking for.

__________________________________ NISLAM

Nislam doesn’t talk about religion, and it’s not about religion. Nislam is formula to make the atheist realize of the existence of GOD. Searching for GOD is not with something magic or mystic. Nislam born from fact of reality.


Millions Humans on Earth, doesn’t mean millions of our self on Earth. Mostly people “forget” that the fact is we are a Single Creature. We will not ever meet another our self in this life (fact), even someone who might (physically) really look like each other, or even if someone who have twins, it’s still on fact that Human is a Single Creature (( because “I am me” / “you are you” / “he is himself” / “she is herself”, etc )). Mostly Human “live in un-known mind world, who made forgot and don’t realize” that the fact is we are a Single Creature.

Single, is other words of “The One and Only” , other words of “Alone” . The fact is we are alone in this huge Earth. Just like little tiny period on this Huge Planet, even in the whole world (in life or even after).

“ I’m alone between Millions Humans on Earth
You are alone between Millions Humans on Earth “

“ We all just a Single Creature who exist between Millions of other Single Creatures on Earth “

“ Look at the picture, look at that, there is only one you in this huge Earth “

Why we were here? One of the reason is, we are here to be (a part of fact of) “Single” witness of GOD Creation, which mean all life around us. Even it started when first we open our eyes in the morning, when we see our close relative, like roommate (wife or husband), family, pets, or other. Even when we see our self in the mirror.

Look who’s talk in our heart, the fact is, it doesn’t even have a mouth or tongue. Our body doesn’t have another mouth or tongue. But the fact is we can speak in our heart. Even sometimes we feel more then one who speaks in our heart.
What is that? Who is that?

Every Creature is single, but Human is a Special Creature who have intelligence to feel about The Singleness. When we going more deeper about the Aware of fact of “Single Creature” , we will feel the Strange Feeling who come in to your heart, about “The Third Eye” who never stop taking care for us, and un-doubt lovable, even when some one doesn’t believe on HIM.

So, finally, Faith, Human Intelligence, Nislam and Science become the four things who can’t separate each other. Or, are you sure you still keep in the thought that your Soul is only a little part of natural process?

No matter what your religion is, don't change what you believe in, or, maybe you don’t have a religion, just make sure you are a nice person, make sure you are a person who keep (make) your heart white, and only with simple words of
“Thank You GOD for Your Today for me, I Love You Too” , before you sleep, you’ll be blessing . . . .

But, is it true that HIS Bless is too much for us (Human)?
We are The Perfects. But are we the Most Destiny’s Forget-full Creature either?
Crying Heaven, lets make it only happen today not for tomorrow..

_______________________________ Global Warming

is it only happen today, or? As we know, Earth has passed the Ice Age. So what happen with Ice Age? So I may say, beside us (Human), many reasons for the Earth become warm. The fact is the unsolved Ellipse (Earth – Sun) rotation, finally bring Earth (going) to the Closest Period to the Sun. And Ice Age happen when the Earth is in the Far Period of the Sun. The conclusion is we are a little part of a long-long term routines journey of Universe (Earth – Sun), who going to be repeat and always repeat again. Even a popular Pyramid tells a lot about how Brilliant Civilization ever happened on Earth far-far away before us. Natural Law that we can’t denied is “Tomorrow IS always better than yesterday”, so I may say “Intelligential is a Natural Legacy from generation to generation”. Only an annihilation who can make the legacy stop. So, why I talk about an Empty Human Age? Because these days Star Trek is still a science fiction. Alright, let see, you may have another perspective about Pyramid, but still so many Histories evidences left behind beside Pyramid who’ll make us said “How come?”. Someday, scientist will talk about a Modern Age far-far away before the Stone Age, even far-far away before Human Evolve. (or, are they already?)

.....................(( If you ask me about The Evolution and The Adam, which one the correct? I’ll say, those things are the rightness. Someday, if GOD open the chance for me to meet Uncle Steven Spielberg, I’ll tell him about my synopsis movie who talk about this. And hopefully it might become our (Human) new way of perspective..))

So, Global Warming, we may say we are in The Gate of “The End of The World”, even if it might happen in 10.000 years from now, but we still standing on The Gate. And unfortunately we (Human) make “The Day” 1000%, or may be more, come faster than it should be. So, now is a “Tomorrow Judgment Historic”, is it going to be worse, or is it going to be better?
However, Global Warming, no one can prevent, but GOD give us (Human) a huge capability to adjourn to feel it.

.....................(( and unlike the past Ages who failed to survive, this time GOD has shown HIS lessons, which other words is, HE might allow us to survive, even might without Earth.. ))

______________________ Adjournment Age

About how to adjourn (slowest), we have heard about some of them, watch over of forest, prevent a wild felling of forest, reduce pollution, etc.


Illegal deforestation in some country, I don’t think it’s only their mistake. Do research to other country, I think many countries using their woods. So, this is a “Together Responsible”. Really need wise solution about this, because we can’t remove our need of woods. So, to all the scientists, lets work together try to found changing materials of wood. I thing I might discovered new idea about some of this needed. My invention might could giving many reduce of our problem about this. Lets work it together.

Talk about forest, I think there is another thing we can do. How about make new forest. How about change desert into a forest. I’m not talking in huge area of desert, lets start from the small one. We can’t? We can . . .
Oasis in the middle of desert. There is something GOD want to tell us. Desert, it may dry, but I don’t think fertile soil is something impossible. GOD has shown the sign, lets us (Human) to do the rest. How? A long term irrigation by a help from modern technology, and planting, I’m sure someday our grand-grand child will pick fruits from “The Green Desert”.

(( I’ve read an old book who tell about Negev Desert, Israel, who become a
garden. Whether that information is true or not, for me it’s still not an

impossible thing to do. And it inspired me much about how The Almighty made us
(Human) to become HIS (extension) Hands on Earth, in All things.))

Reduce Pollution.

Dilemma? The main question is not in the point of “How can we pass this dilemma”, but in the “How come we think it’s a dilemma” ? When Bible talk about Age of pagan, are we standing in the reflection of that Age? Is this the real meaning of pagan? Are we a pagan? Are we a modern pagan who think money is god? Or is it in these days, money is god?

If I have friend with huge authority on Earth, I’ll ask her to order all countries to rest for a while from this Economic Age and together we going to Rehabilitation Age. It’s not actually a total rest, just turn down a little bit the Economic from the primary note.

Talk about this in basic rough mathematic calculating. If this year the damaged of Earth standing in the level 1, next year will become in the level 2, at the third year it become 4, and for the years after and after will become 16, 256, 65536, etc.
((Growing of Economic is something who evolve very fast))

Lets learn from those past Rich Modern Ages far before us when they are late to realize that money won’t help if you put it in the wrong Age. Other words, money will kill you, other words, money destroyed civilization. But in other way if we put money in the right Age, money will have a function such of
“GOD Tools Extension” to safe us (Human) from destroyed.

Some of the things what I’m talking in here, could be might about
90 % remove our need from oil. I think I might discovered another idea about the electricity who will never end. The basic formula for the great Pollution Reducer. It possible to be adopt to all basic machine systems, such as vehicle, factories, electric power station, etc. And it doesn’t need oil (gas) for the fuel, and without any fuel, and it’s not about wind power or solar system. And the most important is without dangerous emission.

So, someday all gas station will be closed. So, a global Economic become something to pawn. An important decision from all Uncle and Auntie the Country Leaders become “Tomorrow Earth Become”.

In my opinion we do really must to adjourn “The Heat”, because we need much-much time to going to the next level of Ages, to safe our children.
Or, do we really have, need, want, to safe our children? Or is it this Age is already about “as long as I’m happy” ?

Good Economic for now = bad or even no place to live in the future.
Great Place to live for now = Great New Stuff (Economic) in the future.

Two positive things we could get from this, are, beside it’s a Pollution Reducer it will also become an Inflation Reducer.


_______________ War?

Crying Earth is not only because of the Nature. Bad Civilization and Bad Humanity are another reasons to make the Earth still Crying . . . .

Great Civilization all around the world?
No Humanity Problem on Earth?

It won’t make it if war still happen on Earth.

" In all of the reasons of war we have to know and we must realize that GOD Punishment is very distinct and straight-away, such as : when you get shoot, when you lose someone, the damages, when you become physical defect, the pain, the sadness, trauma, etc . . "

To all Uncle and Auntie the Country Leaders,
please realize . .

___________________________ Nuclear

Lets start to imagining something for example.

The Great Hitlaa, I mean The Greed Hitlaa finally hold world in his hand, I mean hold Only Earth Only in his hand, because he killed all Human in The Most Super Battle who ever happen on Earth. Even finally he killed his own army, because he is The Greed Hitlaa. And with proud he change the name of Earth to become The Hitlaa Planet. So what exist on this planet now is only The Hitlaa Family with The Destroy Hitlaa Planet, other words, Bad Hitlaas in Bad Hitlaa. So what? Please raise your hand if you are a type of Human who proud because this kind of thing? And please explain to me, in which angle it makes you proud? If I become the only man beside The Hitlaas who live in this kind of Age, I will give a much Super Laughing on him, and say :

“Congratulation to make your future family generation start walk in The Stone Age Again with an Extra Radiation as a Bonus, and may be you will creating a New Beautiful Generation of Hitlaas Human Species who don’t need legs, who don’t need hands, or may be who don’t even need body except Life Heart with Human Brain Emotion Inside The Half Head, etc, The Aliens who created by The Hitlaa.
So? What next? Kill me? Please do it with fast.”

Until now I still have no idea the truly reason why GOD allow us (Human) to have, to create, to have knowledge, even to have inspiration about nuclear. Is it for Hurriter? Or Armagedon? Or to pick a “New Lesson” when everything is already late? “New Lesson”?

It is out of my logic, even might everybody’s logic. But why do we know this word? Why do we heard this word? What message GOD want to tell? For this thing, is it GOD asking us (Human) a question of...

“ Do you want to reborn in the Damage Age that you’ve created by your self? ”

________________________ Naughty Leader

In my opinion, learning on what happened to Iraq, finally world realize about how naughty Uncle Saddam is. Thanks to Uncle Bush for made an un-easy decision to remove Iraqi People from Humanity Crisis. We must realize that all what Uncle Bush doing is came out from Love.

Hopefully, no more other uncle like Uncle Hitler or Uncle Saddam. Hopefully kind the things on what happen in Iraq will be The Last Thing who ever happen on Earth.

But how if this kind of “naughty” thing still happen?

Should we give a little bit more specification about The Military Pledge?

The Leader is nothing without power full. The main power it means The Soldiers. But The Soldiers is not only a tool. Even, Soldiers are The Real Battle-Fields People. Brothers! Wake up! It’s not just about salary. You are a Human too. You have your each one’s inner self, you have a right to decide. Sometimes, The Rightness should be appear from The Low Level, I’m not talking about coup revolt. Just follow your intuition to make decision on your Leader Command. Including when your Leader command to fight your own civil.

“ We’re sorry, Sir!! With all respect, Sir!! We refuse that command, Sir!! We repeat, Sir!! We’re all sorry, Sir!! With all of our deep-deep respect, Sir!! We refuse that command, Sir!! “

Someday when this thing had Happen In-To All Countries Without Exception, I’ll say

“ Congratulation, you are The Most Greatest Leader because you had made your soldiers to become having The Most Beautiful Inner Strength as Human.. ”

And may be sometime you may test them again about this to know how strength your soldiers inner are. There won’t be war again on Earth, because All Soldiers on Earth are refuse to war.
Thank You, My Leader . .

Well, someday The Earth Nations Peace Military Party is the main purpose of Earth Militaries as a part celebration of
Memorial Ceremony of Humanity Journey on Earth.

And hopefully if Alien visit Earth, they come with peace. Peace Al !

_____ Sometimes Or, Mostly Just Because Naive

A Super Dialogue.

Lets talk about this in an Example.
In what purpose X Country using nuclear exactly for? If X Country using nuclear for an Electric Power Station, so, may be, electricity is a problem in X Country. Lets start to imagining the situation in X Country. X’s People, very happy when they know they’re going to be out of the electricity crisis. Civil party in all X celebrating this moment. Their imagine about no more darkness at night, no more candle who make fire to their house, they can watch TV, washing machine, they could build their own business, etc, other words about all, this is the moment who really they’re Dreaming For. But in other way, the thing what make them happy is made from something what we all afraid. So X’s People fight back, they fight for their electricity, in other way we fight them for the nuclear. But what’s the real happening is, they thought we forbid them to have electricity, and we thought they fight us back for the nuclear. A Global Misunderstanding is happening and become something who should we must pay with very expensive. Reading this Example statement, I’m sure we all know the real thing to do, help them to have electricity without nuclear is the right answer and sure war is a totally wrong answer. But that is only an Example.
The real question is, “ How the way to go to the main problem? ”

What I’m really afraid is about Late to realize about the main problem. Or may be, somehow we never know the main problem, or the worst thing is, we never realize that we never know the main problem , but we’ve thought we knew.
“ How the way to go to the main problem? “
(sometime/mostly) that is The Most Difficult Point that we searching for. Sometimes (/mostly), somehow, we never realize that we don’t really hear what they say, other words, we never realize that we don’t really sure about what are they talking about ,
but we’ve thought we knew.

Many things could make this, such as : language difference, perception about each word (translation), perception about each word/words on a letter, perception about each expression (“how to describe expression of the writer when we read a letter”), perception about each accent (“how to describe accent of the writer when we read a letter”), body language (“how to describe body language of the writer when we read a letter”), culture difference, culture perspective, life style difference, characters difference, un-realizing sentiment, un-realizing paranoid, etc.
Human Personality is “We Are Just How Who We Are”, but it become Something Huge if you are a ”Very-Very Some One ”.

And what make sorry is, mostly it all came out from Love but it become an un-realizing huge mistake.

May be this could be some of the real meaning of the words when Jesus said :
“ Father, please forgive them, they doesn’t know what their doing . . ”

The formula, might could be :
“ Growing A Huge Desire To Understand Each Others. Remove all negative thought out of head. Build a wonderful atmosphere of communication. And put Love as a basic of thought “.

Sometimes Human don’t realize that Human Build Their Own Perception about the things around without knowing and without realize the differentiation between The Truly Happen and The Perception Only. I write some words, I hope someday it could become a book, which the title is “Science Of Perception”.

______________________________ Human

Are we already A Human? Or Just Another Species? War? Hurt each other in huge group? I think it’s only may happen in animal world. Lets together we leave our this kind of Thought Inheritance who we get from “The What We Are Before We Became Human” (( Evolution )). Even if war happen in the name of GOD, GOD never want us (Human) to love HIM in this kind of way. There is no things about pain who causing by reason of GOD , including The Way, or The Result. We have to be very be careful, lets see in poetry I’ll say with “demon do anything to fight GOD. Even one of the way is by always be pretend to become GOD Rules to mess our (Human) mind, to make hurt each others (between Human), to make pain each others (between Human). And the worst thing is demon have more big power than Human to make Human to become never realize when this happen ”. Many things could make this, such as : (un-realizing) fanaticism, the story who appears from story, interpretation, even when we don’t realize about the differentiation between The Real Words and The Metaphor Words in the Words of Our Own Holy Book.

There’s one important thing that we all should very realize,
the main of Faith is not in the point of “ what is your religion” or
“ who is your GOD” , but in the “ sincerity feeling when we pray ”. Lets go aware , and please we should as maximal as we can to avoiding for debating the difference between religions. It’s such a sensitive thing , and it’s a most greatest demon weapon . .

This could be some of other meaning of Jesus words :
“ Father, please forgive them, they doesn’t know what their doing . . ”

Someday Human will realize about how huge the pain we (Human) made to make GOD Sad. The Almighty , does have a power to make One-Second Annihilation for us (Human). But HIS Love is too big for us (Human), The Sincerity Patience of GOD is un-limited to wait for us (Human) to remove sad from HIS Heart. And if someday we (Human) has made to remove The Sad, the happiness is not actually belongs to GOD, but to all of us (Human).

Sometimes I think we are here not to fight demon, but to ask demon to come back to GOD. More big our struggle to fight demon, more big our lose from demon, with unrealized.
Is it possible that is actually what GOD Command to Adam?

.....................(( I always have a thought that The Love of GOD in this life is not always standing in the 1st level. Let me explain with an example of situation : X have a deep resentment to Y. X have a huge desire to revenge by killing Y. Then the day is come, Y finally dead, shooting in his head and got mutilate by X. So where is the Love of GOD in this thing? The Love of GOD is in the huge satisfaction on X after X killed Y. But what next? Then, X should feel how scary for being wanted by police, may be get shoot, get in jail, etc. GOD in HIS Sadness, only could say “My son, I’ve teach you about what you shouldn’t do in life. You know that your resentment could hill by a huge Sincerity of Forgiveness, or you still having another options to do. But you’ve choose your own way, so now life will punish you.”))

.....................(( The Patience of GOD, is The Most demons Weapon to make Human thought that GOD is un-exist. But, if we really aware about this, the fact is we all (Human) are lives in this Fact Dimension of This Character (The Patience of GOD). Little example : when we did something bad in yesterday but there is no punish which we know that we should be in punish, and the thing is only passed like everything never happen until today.))

__________ Palestine-Israel

I may say, they are included of the (new historic) first civilization on Earth. But they doesn’t really realize that Earth had passed the War Age,
but they still stay in that kind legacy of thinking, they haven’t wake from their long journey of sleep.

Can we help them? Can we ask them what are they really fighting for? Are they fighting for area? Even Dubai could build their own Beautiful Island. If someday I become a very rich person, I willing to build them a New Island to stop the war, for free. And pray to GOD, hoping, that kind legacy of thought will be naturally stop by the time. And it already become one of my Nazars. (Nazar : Promise to GOD)


So, what makes I'm sure this is the truly point of view of ''Fair and Justice'' ? The thing that make me sure is because world have learned the real mean of ''Greedy''. And only a Greedy who make they refuse this idea. And, Greedy is an enemy of together. Greedy is a world's real enemy. It's not about ''How Huge The Land You Live'', but ''How Peace The Land You Live''. Even a little piece of land could make very happy if we are a person with grateful, BUT even the whole universe is nothing to fill soul with Greedy. Mr Obama said : World don't count on what you destroy, but on what you built.

The question is ''How to split the Land'' ? The answer is : DEMOCRACY.

Don't support Leader who don't offer for a Peace. I repeat! Don't support Leader who don't offer for a Peace. And this should happening to the both side, Israel and Palestine.

So how if there is no Leader from both side who agree with this idea? The answer is : Create New Leader. A new form of democracy to both side, Found/Create New Leader who support this. Special message for the youth of both side, as a youth we don't always should just follow the old generation, in some case they the one who should following us.

The youth of Israel - Palestine shout for a Peace, Can we? YES WE CAN!
Somehow in the max point we should cut off the Mind Legacy from the old generation, replacing with the new Mind Revolution, reformation of perception that create Peace between one and another. Don't ever dither to voice a Peace.

And world should take seriously to the New Leaders including by funding and do all the best to won them in the election. Ensure the involvement of the media on this history in order to oversee and spread the news to the world.

So the New Holy Land is appear through the World's DEMOCRACY.

_____________________________ Osama Bin Laden

Even if someday I become a very rich person, I’m sure money can’t do anything to Uncle Osama. In the name of Love For GOD, Uncle Osama fight in his Way. No one could stop him. Only GOD HIM-Selves who could stop him.

To all brothers and sisters, to all uncles and aunties, all around the world, in all religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christians, Moslems, please allow me to ask, how if someday we make one very special day, to become “World Pray Day”. We ask GOD, in our each way, to pray Uncle Osama hope him to change the Way he walk to love GOD, to Do Love with Love, to Do Love in The Way Of Love, to Do Love by Growing Love, to Do Love with Love In All Ways and All Walks. And special pray to the Victims, may giving a Huge Sincerity of Forgiveness. Let only GOD Love to stop all terror to anyone without exception.

To all press and all TV station around the world, please give a maximum expose about this day. ”World Pray Day” will become one of Spiritual Ceremony History ever happen on Earth. The Sacrifice from the victims is very meaningful to the history of Humanity Journey.

I wondering, How If someday suddenly we watch Uncle Osama on TV or internet, say something that who will shock the world ever than he had done before, like :

“ I’m Osama Bin Laden, in the Name Of Allah, I ask for apologies for all the unrealized mistakes that I had done for all this time. From now on, I promise to Allah, I promise to the world, I stop my war ”.

So, what would we do next if this is happen? At least please allow me to say something from my self
“ Father, please forgive Uncle Osama, he didn’t know what has he done..” But I’m hoping so much that I’m not doing it alone.

So, what next? Is it GOD tell us a New Lesson about
“ Sometimes In Life, Justice Should Be Walk In Other Side “,
or……(what do you think?)

I hope the Date will become every year “World Pray Day”.
Once a year we (Human), have our Special Global Lovely Day a
“Thank GOD Day”.

Hopefully all this statement about war will become Something Meaningful to the basic of thought in Every Each Person, specially to the Country Leaders, Generals, and the Soldiers. Lets together to make “it” to be closer.

All The Goods on Earth is happen because we all connect each other, whether it’s directly connect or it isn’t with. So, take care-in all The Goods is our together responsible, and Fix Out The Bad is also our together responsible, BUT the way to Fix It, is not with
“ make it more worse ”.

Hopefully we will pass this Age with great result.

......................(( about the words of “GOD Punishment” (in v), actually I always have a thought that the punishment is not came from GOD. Let me say this in Poetry, “ GOD is The Father and Earth is The Mother , but our Father is too Nice to punish us (Human) as their Children. So our Mother represent our Father to doing this, to make us (Human) to become a Nice Children ”.))

________________________ Research Age

What do we search for? We search for place to escape for a while. Place to escape for a while? How long? 100 Generations? Out of Earth?

We could turn off fire with water. But it’s not a fire, it’s a Sun. and’ it’s not about the Sun, it’s about the heat. The heat in all lands. When heat hit lands. Water could hill heat.


We’ve heard the story. Is it fairy tale? Or real Legend? Whether it’s true or not, what message GOD want to tell? Is it only the deepest ocean who could safe us (Human)? Should we do research for the deepest ocean who free from quake and safe enough, and build world inside of it? An Underwater World? An Underwater Civilization? a Giant Submarine Civilization? Thank GOD technology still the answer of the question.

Out of Earth.

Beside New Atlantis, leave Earth is another answer to survive. I think I’ve discovered another new idea about formula system to produce fly. What I’m talking here is fly and float without propeller, jet, balloon, rocket, or flapping wings.

Soon, a flying car, or even Man Made UFO is no longer a science fiction. And combining all the system that I’ve discovered, the most important is we make that all without dangerous emission. I wish I could get support from the expert, from all scientists around the world to make the ideas become reality. Lets work together to going to the next level.

(( About some ideas that I’ve (might) discovered, it really need cooperate from all people who have capability on it, including to the investors. If someone very interest in here, please I don’t ask for your money, I repeat, I don’t ask for your money, even I’m too scared to receive money. But I do really wish you could give me the facility that I need and all the ease ways to working on it. I realize it might going to make a lot of money from all this, and if this all become reality, Thank GOD for make me to make Nazar, which is, 75% of profit is for charity to the World, to anyone who needed. ))

______________________________ Leaders Leader

" I watched the Show last year. It really touch when I hear Uncle Gore said about
“America The Leader of The World”,
thank GOD I don’t missed that Nobel Show. Thank GOD, TV is one way communication tools, if it’s not, without shy I will say my huge Thank to him, Thank to America, for become the Most Source Inspiration for the world.
I don’t know what will happen if America never exist in this Age, may be I will wondering
“GOD, what kind of Age are YOU put me in? ”. America, please, be our Leader. Be our Truly Leader. Proud us to see you as Our Truly Leader. "

______________________________ At The End

The next home work is, we should found the way to make the intelligence continue to the next generation and ready to use.

If “The End of World” finally arrive, so what will happen to the rest people? What will happen to the world?

Hopefully, someday, the chance to feel The Heaven is become reality. The Heaven who exist on Earth and Sky. Thank GOD for make “it” much steps closer.

Hope “The End of World” is a Beauty of Yearnings of us (Human) to meet GOD. The fear of death had turned into a smile with huge sincerity to “Welcome GOD”.
Hope Earth is already The Heaven.

The Heaven when the Glorious Value of Karma ((Hindu)) had possessed in-to the soul in every each person on Earth, The Heaven when the Glorious Value of Earth Devotion ((Buddha)) had possessed in-to the soul in every each person on Earth, The Heaven when the Glorious Value of Morality ((Jewish)) had possessed in-to the soul in every each person on Earth, The Heaven when the Glorious Value of Love ((Christian)) had possessed in-to the soul in every each person on Earth, The Heaven when the Glorious Value of Intelligence ((Islam)) had possessed in-to the soul in every each person on Earth
and bring Islam back to the first Perfect Period when it arrived to Prophet Muhammad (other words, when Islam is still The Pure Islam).

The Heaven when all of those The Glorious Values merge become One Value and solder-in and had become something used in every each person of people on Earth.

Great Earth to live, Great Price to buy, Great Civilization all around the world, Many Rich People on Earth but no one feel about poorness, No Humanity Problem on Earth, Crime Become Something Weird because you don’t need to be a bad guy for life..

If there familiar words in The Bible which talk about
“Heaven Down to Earth”, is this the real meaning of that words? When finally GOD Blessing our (Human) Victory to make “Heaven Down to Earth”, other words,
“Heaven Build on Earth”..

The Heaven, the truly reason GOD made Earth for.

The Certainty of “Born In Heaven and Die To Heaven”
is reality in the Future.

...GOD Bless Earth . ....

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